Sunday, February 3, 2008

From time to time...

Every once in a while we all need to just get away. To spend a couple of days doing only the things you truly want to do or that make you feel good, and to spend a bit of that time doing absolutely nothing at all. My hubby and I got away to do (and not do) just that this weekend. The occasion was our 4th anniversary, but after the typical stress of the holidays, getting back into the hectic swing of another semester at work and in my classes, and a sudden onslaught of frigid weather, it was the perfect time for a little breather.

We didn't go far. We didn't need to. Just being away with no agenda, no time constraints, and nobody expecting any work to be done, was far enough. We laughed, we lounged, we talked, we snuggled, we ate, we read, we slept, we shopped. Then we woke up and did it all over again. It was a wonderous weekend and it was just what I needed.

Tomorrow, I'll return to work and my class refreshed and tranquil. And I'm turning my attention again to my writing. I have a piece I'm thinking about writing to submit to a small literary publication put together annually by the university's women's center. I have a poem ready to submit, but would like to submit an opinion essay as well. I worked out a mental outline for the piece this weekend, made some notes in my journal, and am now anxious to get started on it.

So, I hope this entry motivates you to take that day or two to get away, to relax and rejuvenate yourself. Like me, you probably need it and you, too, deserve it.

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